Blood Bros. BBQ
HOUBBQ Festival Entry Gate
Brotherton's Black Iron Barbecue

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HOUBBQ is an independent, local organization committed to producing events that recognize and promote the hard work and dedication of Houston barbecue pitmasters and restaurants. We believe Houstonians and Houston barbecue lovers deserve a world-class festival worthy of our city and our barbecue.

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BBQ Shrimp at Gatlin's Fins & Feathers

BBQ shrimp isn’t really barbecue, but it is delicious and worth the try

BBQ shrimp isn’t really barbecue, but it is delicious and worth the try. The Gulf Coast has a long tradition of creatively naming dishes when it comes to using the term “barbecue,” especially when it comes to seafood. If we are sticklers for nomenclature (and Texans definitely are), “barbecue” is defined as cooking and flavoring meat with heat and smoke, using an appliance (smoker) in which the fire is on the side (offset) of the cooking chamber. To be sure, other countries and cultures are not so exacting when it comes to this term. “Barbecues” around the world — think Australia — refer to direct-heat cooking, where the meat is

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Burt's Meat Market

How Houston’s Frenchtown gave rise to the ‘Barbecue Ward’

How Houston’s Frenchtown gave rise to the ‘Barbecue Ward’. Driving through Fifth Ward — the area northeast of downtown that’s known by its residents as “The Nickel” — you can’t avoid the railroad tracks. Today, the Union Pacific tracks slash diagonally though the neighborhood exactly as they did in the 1862, when they were laid as the Texas and New Orleans Railroad. The Southern Pacific Railroad would eventually take over the route, and the Union Pacific after that. By 1880, the full route between Houston and New Orleans was complete, and many of Houston’s most important cultural traditions began to flow west from southwest Louisiana into Southeast Texas. This flow

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Cornbread & barbecue at The Brisket House

Cornbread’s connection to barbecue

Cornbread’s connection to barbecue. On a recent visit to the Memorial-area location of The Brisket House, I found an unusual item on the menu: cornbread. Cornbread is surprisingly hard to find on Texas barbecue-joint menus. For anyone who grew up in Texas or the southern U.S., cornbread was a constant presence on the family dining table or at local restaurants. My first memory of cornbread, beyond the ubiquitous box of Jiffy cornbread mix that appeared in our kitchen every Thanksgiving, was at The Black-Eyed Pea restaurant in Beaumont where I grew up in the early ’80s. Long before it expanded to dozens of locations throughout the southern U.S. (and eventually

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We’re proud to announce that Goodstock by Nolan Ryan is our presenting sponsor for the 2024 Houston Barbecue Festival! Started in 2020, Goodstock has been working with top barbecue joints across Texas to provide the best in locally-sourced Black Angus briskets, beef ribs, and more.

Goodstock by Nolan Ryan

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Pitts & Spitts Barbecue Pits
Saint Arnold Brewing Co.
Kat Creech Events
Aegis Insurance & Financial Services
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Header Photos by Robert J. Lerma